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Get Your Loved Ones Moving Again

Suggest activities you can do together.

  • Start small. Try taking a walk after dinner twice a week, or do sit-ups while you watch TV.
  • Mix it up. Learn new stretches and warm-up exercises.
  • Join a fitness class – choose an activity that’s new for both of you.
  • Make it part of your regular routine.
  • Meet up at the gym or YMCA on your way home from work.
  • Give up a TV show to make time for physical activity.
  • Wake up a bit earlier so you can go for a brisk walk together before breakfast.
  • Walk or ride your bike to the store or coffee shop.

Be understanding.

What are your loved one’s reasons for not being more active? Maybe she feels overwhelmed or embarrassed. Ask what you can do to be supportive.

Recognize small efforts.

  •  Be patient. Change takes time.
  • Offer encouragement and praise. (“You did a great job with your sit-ups today!”)
  • Point out positive choices. (“I’m glad we’re walking to the park instead of driving.”)

Choose healthy gifts.

For birthdays or special rewards, choose gifts to encourage your loved one to exercise. Some ideas include:

  • New sneakers or workout clothes
  • A basketball or balance ball
  • Hand weights
  • A pedometer (a tool that counts the number of steps you take)
  •  Gift certificate to a gym or exercise class

Source: Content provided and maintained by the

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