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NFL VP of Player Engagement Troy Vincent Receives the 2012 Dr. Wilbur L. Dungy All Pro Dad Award

NFL Vice President of Player Engagement Troy Vincent has been honored with the 2012 Dr. Wilbur L. Dungy All Pro Dad Award at the Family First “Challenges and Champions” fund-raising Dinner and Awards on Thursday, November 15th in Tampa, FL. 

The Wilbur Dungy All Pro Dad Award was established in 2005 to honor an ordinary man, the late Wilbur Dungy, who was an extraordinary father to Coach Tony Dungy and his siblings. The award is given each year by Family First to a father who exemplifies the qualities of an All Pro Dad as seen in the life of Wilbur Dungy. Those qualities, among others, include a man who loves his wife, spends time with his children, is a role model, and whose home is built upon a foundation of faith in God.

Over 700 community, business and sports leaders were in attendance at the dinner and awards ceremony.

For more information about Family First and their All Pro Dad program, please click here.

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