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Ambassadors At Work

By Jack H. Smith
Green River Star 5/22/13

Former Detroit Lions Star Visits School

Just by pure physical stature, Luther Elliss garnered the attention of a packed assembly Tuesday at Monroe Intermediate School in Green River.

The 6’ 5”, 320 pound former Pro-Bowler for the Detroit Lions was speaking as a special guest for the NFL’s Fuel Up to Play 60 program, which has had a great deal of success at the school.

With every eye in the gymnasium focused on the former NFL standout, Elliss had each student repeat in unison -- “I commit to sticking to the Fuel to Play 60 program. I will find a buddy that will hold me accountable.”

During his speech, Ellis discussed the importance of the program, which was founded by the NFL and National Dairy Council in collaboration with the USDA and empowers students to take charge in making small, everyday changes at school.

Elliss told the students as they get ready for the summer break to not get lazy and forget what they have learned through the program.

As an example, he said that he recently weighed as much as 350 pounds after making poor choices working a desk job.

He said by eating healthy and getting out to exercise he was able to drop to 320 pounds, just 10 pounds above his playing weight.

Elliss encouraged the Monroe students to find one or two friends to hold them accountable for at least 60 minutes of exercise and positive food choices.

Whether it be walking or playing a sport, he stressed the importance of being active and not spending to much time playing video games, on their cell phones or on Facebook or Twitter.

Prior to Elliss speaking, the schools Fuel to Play 60 sponsors, Nancy Eklund and Lori Hastert were honored as the 2012/13 Wyoming Sponsors of the Year.

Monroe Principal A.J. Nathan said that the school’s work with the program has been admired nationally because of Hastert and Eklund.

In 2009/2010 the school was recognized as the Wyoming State Champions and this year received the honor of being a “Touchdown School.”

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