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Top College Majors 6-10

Earlier we provided the Top 5 College Majors: Business Administration/Management, Psychology, Nursing, Biology/Bio Sciences, and Education.  This article rounds it out to an even 10.  Remember that college offers you many academic freedoms. You can cultivate existing passions and explore new interests–all the while figuring out which major will eventually help you earn a living.

Whatever major you choose, don't pick what's easiest–or what your best friend is studying–because you'll only be cheating yourself out of some great opportunities!  And college is, after all, about opportunities.

The Princeton Review's Top College Majors 6 – 10 follow. Be warned, however, that these are not necessarily the degrees that garner the most demand in the job market. More importantly, they don't lock you into a set career path. Each major offers unique intellectual challenges and develops skill sets that will be applicable to various careers.

6. English Language and Literature

If you find yourself generally immersed in some book–anything from Shakespeare to Hemingway to Jack Kerouac–you will likely find others just like you in the English department studying the trochaic octameter of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," the stunning word choices of narrative nonfiction author Annie Dillard, or the experimental elements of the writings of Walter Abish. English programs focus on literature, language, and writing, and an English major will encounter a wide array of absorbing works of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from around the world and throughout history. Analyzing the works of the greatest minds and imaginations that human civilization has produced will surely sharpen your critical, emotional, creative, and moral faculties. The study of literature also helps to shed some light on the answers to the enduring questions of the human condition. This degree is tremendous preparation for a future in law, journalism, publishing, graduate studies, and just about anything else.

7. Economics

Economics is the study of choices–those of individuals, businesses, governments, and societies and how they choose to spend their time and money and otherwise allocate their resources. And you guessed it: Economics involves heavy doses of critical thinking and math. This study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services is an indispensable tool for making sense of the intricacies of the modern world. It is also an excellent preparation for a future in business, as well as for graduate studies in law, public policy, and international studies.

8. Communications Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric

Communications majors tend to be great storytellers with quick wits and fiery personalities. You'll spend a significant amount of time scrutinizing different kinds of presentations–such as speeches and scripts–and the strategies behind the messages that speakers and writers use to make their points. You'll learn about verbal and nonverbal messages, audience reaction, and the varied effects of different communication environments. It will prepare you for a wealth of careers in business, advertising, human resources, public relations, government, education, media, and social services.

9. Political Science and Government

Because it often deals with current events and sophisticated statistical analysis, political science is timely, fascinating, and perpetually changing. In a nutshell, it's the study of politics of government, and some of the common concentrations are American government, public policy, foreign affairs, political philosophy, and comparative government. Political science majors develop excellent critical thinking and communication skills, and more broadly, an understanding of history and culture. There will be lots of reading, writing, and math. Possible career paths are diverse–from lawyer to politician to journalist.

10. Computer and Information Sciences

Not only will you learn more about computers–hardware and software–but you'll also learn about the applications of such knowledge, such as how technology fits into a business scenario. You'll be exposed to areas such as robotics, natural language recognition programs, artificial intelligence, programming languages, numerical analysis, and gaming technology. Problem solving is a major component of CIS, no matter which segment of the industry you want to pursue.

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Top 5 College Majors

Whatever major you choose, don't pick what's easiest–or what your best friend is studying–because you'll only be cheating yourself out of some great opportunities!