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Five Tips to Make the Most of Your College Experience

By: Ashley Armstrong
University of California, Los Angeles
Associate Athletic Director

Each year thousands of high school students dream of going to college and competing in intercollegiate athletics.  It’s a privilege to represent an institution as a student-athlete, but with that comes a tremendous amount of responsibility to be successful academically and athletically. Here are five tips for student-athletes to make the most of your college experience:

  1. Show up and Be Present.  Start off your freshman year on the right foot by being successful in the classroom and building a strong foundation.  If you don’t take care of things academically, you will not be able to take advantage of the athletic and social opportunities.  Get to class on time, sit in the first few rows, be prepared to take notes, turn your cell phone off, and pay attention.  Don’t limit your potential and growth by being lazy or assuming that someone else will figure it out for you.  Surround yourself with people that are like minded and striving for excellence. 

  2. Manage Your Time and Your Priorities. As a student-athlete you have a tremendous amount of responsibility and will be held accountable for your actions.  It is essential that you manage your time, develop good habits, and prioritize your academic and athletic commitments.  Understanding how you learn best (auditory, visual, or kinesthetic) is important to your success in the classroom and in your sport.  Building strong time management and study skills, such as note-taking, memorization techniques and strategies can bode well in your future endeavors.

  3. Take Advantage of the Resources and Opportunities.  Athletic departments and institutions  surround students with a wide range of resources, such as; the career center, office of students with disabilities, counseling and psychological services, and health center.  Utilize the resources and ask for help if/when you need it.  Take the initiative to participate in campus and athletic department activities, such as; join campus clubs or organizations, attend other sporting events, visit the career center, serve on the student-athlete advisory committee, and participate in community outreach initiatives.  Keep track of your participation as many of these activities can be included on your resume.

  4. Foster Relationships To Build Your Network. Many of the relationships that you make with your teammates and coaches will last a lifetime, but make a conscious effort to build relationships outside of your “team bubble”. Get to know other student-athletes and students on campus, professors, staff, athletic administrators, alumni and supporters of the university.  Develop relationships with professors beyond attend their class and visiting office hours.  Professors can serve as great mentors, write a letter of recommendation or serve as a reference for an internship/job and/or scholarship, and introduce you to others who may serve as valuable resources.  The relationships you foster and experiences you have throughout college can be instrumental creating a strong network for life after sports.
  5. Start Planning for your Future NOW!  College is a great training ground for the real world.  Whether you are preparing for a professional career in the NFL or in the business world, do not assume that it is simply your GPA or statistics that matter.  Your character, how  you carry yourself on and off the field, what you post on social media, what you do to serve your community, and the way you treat others can set you apart from your peers.  NFL teams (owners, general managers, scouts), and employers spend time and resources to research a student-athlete’s character and integrity, the way they prepare in the classroom and the way they interact with their teammates, coaches and support staff.   Don’t wait until your senior year to start exploring opportunities and thinking about your future. 

Be proactive and embrace the opportunity to make the most of your college experience. Make the commitment to being the best you can be each day!

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