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Doing the Right Thing!

By Angela Charlton, Ph.D.
Manager of Player Engagement

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” ― John Wooden

How do you define character? What character traits are important to you – displaying integrity, being respectful, dependable, responsible, or honest?  When you look at yourself in the mirror what matters most to you; your self-worth, being truthful, or perhaps doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do? When you look at those individuals around you, do they possess those same traits? It is important to surround yourself with people that share your same values and character traits.

There may be other student-athletes that possess equivalent or better athletic ability than you. However, you can separate yourself by the way you handle yourself off the field or court. In a previous issue we talked about being mindful of social media and the information you display for the world to see. On that same note, be mindful of how you carry yourself, who you hang around with, and how you interact with others, in private and in public. Remember, it’s not how you behave when people are watching – it’s how you behave when they aren’t.

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