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Seasons Change

By Angela Charlton, PhD
Manager of Player Engagement

The days are getting shorter, the temperature is slowly falling, and the leaves are turning. Fall is on its way. It’s time to transition from our summer to our fall wardrobe. This is just one of the many life transitions we experience. Big and small, transitions occur in our lives in all kinds of ways such as moving, changing jobs, changing clothes size, getting married, and having kids. Transitions represent change and can facilitate a change in roles or functions. This change is often unknown and can be scary. It is important to embrace and learn to navigate through transitions. 

According to William Bridges (1980), transitions go through three distinct phases:

1) Ending – experienced by letting go of something,

2) Neutral Zone – in-between, uneasy, and insecure time, and

3) New Beginning – sense of renewal and entering into a new chapter of life. 

Take a look back at some of life’s transitions and how you handled them. What things did you do well? What things would you have done differently? What resources or individuals helped to make those transitions successful?

Lastly, anticipate a transition that you may be faced with in the next year and create a plan. Consider the following items when thinking about that transition: 

  • Identify ways to navigate the ending phase
  • Identify ways to make the neutral zone positive and successful
  • Identify ways to embrace the new beginning
  • Identify resources to assist with the transition

Bridges, William (1980). Transitions.
Bridges, William (2000). Way of Transition.

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