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7 Year NFL Veteran Jovan Haye Releases Autobiography

By: BWWBooksWorld

Former NFL Player Releases Autobiography

NFL Legend Releases Autobiography on Tackling Obstacles to Achieve Success

Jovan Haye tells his story on how he conquered dyslexia to play in the NFL and graduate from Vanderbilt University

Nashville, TN You might not expect a boy who became an NFL defensive tackle to ever have struggled with bullying, but you would be wrong.

Jamaican-born Jovan Haye battled that challenge and many more in his painful and poignant upbringing before he discovered his talent for greatness as a football player in his junior year at Dillard High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

In his recently released memoir Bigger Than Me: How a Boy Conquered Dyslexia to Play in the NFL, Haye chronicles the multiple hurdles he overcame in the hopes that his story will inspire others to follow his lead and rely on hard work, determination, and the talents they do have to achieve their goals.

Throughout Bigger Than Me, Haye relays how he achieved the nearly impossible dream of playing for the NFL. Born into poverty and living in violent, low-income neighborhoods, he suffered abuse at home and significant challenges at school because of severe undiagnosed dyslexia. Yet his natural athletic ability, eventual success in team sports, and what he calls his "pure love of football" gave him the confidence to face the other obstacles before him.

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