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Finding a Balance

By Angela Charlton, PhD
Manager of Player Engagement

Maintaining a healthy life balance is important for everyone. Balancing mind, body, and spirit is an important component to a healthy lifestyle. 

There are several things that you can do to be physically healthier, including sustaining a healthy weight and diet and staying physically active and tobacco free. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, men should get screened for high blood pressure, cholesterol, and HIV. Additionally, it is imperative to have a prostate examination and diabetes screening. It is important to get these screenings before symptoms occur, as early identification will make treatment easier.

In addition to taking care of your body, it is important to take care of your mind and invigorate your spirit. Your emotional health is as important as your physical health. For example, set goals and be open to new ideas. Additionally, be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress and depression and how to deal with them. If you have felt sad or hopeless and/or have had little interest in doing pleasurable things for several weeks, talk with your doctor about being screened for depression.

Find time to simply relax. Revitalize your spirit by becoming more active and a leader in the community, volunteer and attend activities at your children’s school, or perhaps, become more active in your church, spiritual community, or organization.

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