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Faith, Family, & Football

This week’s Faith, Family, & Football feature is: Dr. Irving Fryar, Retired New England Patriot.

Dr. Fryar played in the NFL for 17 years where he spent 9 seasons with the New England Patriots, 3 seasons with the Miami Dolphins, 3 seasons with the Philadelphia Eagles, and 2 seasons with the Washington Redskins. He now resides in New Jersey where he recently founded the Burlington County College of Theology. Dr. Fryar is also the Pastor and Founder of New Jerusalem House of God in Mt. Holly, New Jersey. While Dr. Fryar has achieved many accomplishments during and after his athletic career, his goal in life is to be a great husband, a great daddy, and a great witness of the Gospel by letting his life be a living example of Jesus Christ.

In the midst of a busy schedule, Dr. Fryar took time out to chat with the NFLPE Department and discuss his Faith, Family, & Football.

PE: Why is faith important to you?

Dr. Fryar: The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” and because I have the understanding that we as people are not the extreme power, I am able to base my faith in an eternal God. I also know that we must connect with God to find out who we are and what we are supposed to be doing in our life.

PE: Tell us about your family and the impact they’ve had on your life?

Dr. Fryar: My Family has always been supportive and played a significant role in my life.  Families have their differences and often times go through tribulations, but no matter how difficult things get family will always come together and serve as your backbone.   

PE: How has your faith and family helped you develop off the field?

Dr. Fryar: Faith and family allows you to focus on who you are and whose you are, and because of that I was able to achieve the success I’ve had in football and in life. When referring to family, the bible says “Be fruitful and multiply” and he intended family to be done in a certain order so it can be maximized.  As a result, when you get married and have children it creates stability and focus, keeps you humble, and makes you responsible. All of these traits have contributed to my success and development as a man of God. 

PE: How do you balance faith, family, and football?

Dr. Fryar: They co-exist. Whether your family centers on your siblings, parents, and grandparents or whether you’re experiencing the dynamics of marriage and creating your own…Family will always serve as your support system to help encourage you through whatever goals you pursue.  We don’t always hit a homerun at things we set out to achieve in life, but regardless I have always had my faith and family to lean on when it matters the most.

PE: What advice would you give to student-athletes and current professional athletes in regards to their faith, family, and football?

Dr. Fryar: To recognize and understand that you have to have the first two pillars (Faith & Family) to be successful at the latter. Your faith only lasts as long as what you base it in. So if it is in money and cars, your faith will perish when those things perish. But when you put your faith in an eternal God, you can accomplish anything.

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