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Stephen Tulloch Launches Operation 55


Stephen Tulloch Launches Operation 55

Launches Adopt A School Program Across Metro Detroit

November 2014; DETROIT, MI:  Upon landing in Detroit for the 2014 offseason workouts, starting Linebacker, Stephen Tulloch decided he wanted to expand his already large community efforts and adopt 55 schools in Detroit helping give students, teaches and coaches essential tools that they need they the school district is unable to provide.  At Tulloch’s NFL Kickoff Event this past September he surprised the first ten schools by telling them they have been chosen to have their wish lists granted by his foundation.

On Friday, November 7 at 1pm, Tulloch kicked off his Operation 55 Adopt A School program by adopting two of the 55 schools that he has selected to adopt.  The first school will be Edison Elementary (10745 Grand River Ave, Detroit MI) and then Trix Performance Academy  (13700 Bringard Dr, Detroit MI).  Both schools were in for a great surprise as the students did not know they had been chosen as a part of Tulloch’s new project here in Detroit and had a surprise assembly with Stephen and some of his teammates that will be along to help deliver computers, laptops, tablets, school supplies, new recess equipment, books, art supplies and more.

“Since I’ve been in Detroit the city has became my second home.  I’ve went into schools around town, visited different high schools and I’ve seen that there are always things the schools can use or need to improve the learning environment for the students,” said Tulloch.  “We came up with the idea this offseason to raise money and put these funds into the schools here in Detroit.  By buying new computers or supplying books in a classroom not only will help the current students but, will be there for students to use in the years to come.  Education is very important to me and I hope that this effort will be able to make a large impact here on these 55 schools we select to help.”

Stephen has personally selected each school across the city of Detroit and is helping grant the wishes of the hardworking teachers and staff that must work daily without some important tools such as books, computers, learning programs, kitchen essentials to help with lunchtime to feed the students or athletic equipment.


Operation 55 was launched in 2011 when Tulloch signed with the Detroit Lions.  The purpose of the program is to help as many people as possible and give children throughout the Metro Detroit area opportunities to come to Detroit Lions home games to experience a game day with Tulloch!  Stephen has taken over 2500 kids from various organizations throughout Detroit, to home Lions games since he became a Detroit Lion.  Tulloch also partnered with students that do not have insurance every year, providing 55 kids with free dental services, and adopted families in Detroit affected by cancer for the holidays providing them with food, clothing and toys.

For media inquiries or more information contact Sherrie Handrinos at or 734-341-6859.

About The Stephen Tulloch Foundation

Launched in 2009, The Stephen Tulloch Foundation helps assist underprivileged youth with opportunities to be successful and works to provide them with the same opportunities as other children.  Mr. Tulloch’s goal is to supply youth with the essentials to build self-esteem, establish their goals, and help unlock their potential.

For information on the Stephen Tulloch Foundation visit

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