Larry Fitzgerald
accepts a thank you plaque from a one of the "little brothers" at Monday's event.
Larry Fitzgerald was in the hot seat.
One by one, children involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona had their chance to ask the Cardinals’ star wide receiver anything they wanted on Monday night. They stepped to the microphone on the patio at Eddie’s House in Scottsdale, and a wide variety of inquiries spouted out.
Among the gems: ‘Would you ever cut your hair?’; ‘Do you have bodyguards around you?’; ‘How do you be brave and not afraid?’; and ‘Do you prefer ASU or U of A?’
It was the fifth straight year Fitzgerald took part in the organization’s ‘Larry Fitzgerald Holiday Dinner’ event, and he said the questions never cease to amaze him.
“You never know what they’re going to say,” said Fitzgerald, who brought along his son, Devin. “You never know what they’re going to do. That’s what makes it so special. They’re going to ask you some off-the-wall questions. I didn’t get the famous questions: ‘What kind or car did you drive today?’ or ‘How much money do you have in your pocket?’ They asked some great questions and you can tell they put some thought into it.”
There were 50 children aged 6-to-16 at the event along with their adult match. After the question-and-answer session concluded, Fitzgerald signed autographs and posed for pictures with every Big Brother or Big Sister and their little, then hung around and chatted casually.
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