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Why YOU Should be Linked In to LinkedIn

While most people are members of Twitter and Facebook and can tell you about the features of both, not so many can do the same for LinkedIn. LinkedIn, a user-friendly social networking site with a professional focus, has over 120 million registered users. The fundamental purpose of the website is to stay connected and maintain your professional network.

Winning Others Over

When searching for an internship or employment position, it is important to sell yourself as well as your ideas. How do you accomplish this? First and foremost you have to believe in yourself in order for others to believe in you.

The Teachers of the NFL

As I moved through the crowded field on “Super Bowl Media Day” last month, I marveled at what can only be described as organized bedlam. More like a media festival than a press conference; it is a day designed to acknowledge deserving individual players and coaches who, through exemplary and incredible teamwork, have made it to what we consider “The Greatest Show on Earth,” the Super Bowl.

A Dad for All Seasons

As a husband, father of five children, and a former player, it would be an understatement to say that I have some firsthand personal experience grappling with how to manage the separate but important roles of my life.

80/20 Rule

Pareto’s Principle, often referred to as the 80/20 rule, states that a few things (20 percent) are vital and the majority of things (80 percent) are trivial and produce very little value or contribution to our lives.