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Financial Education

The National Football League Financial Education Program (FEP) provides players with valuable knowledge to manage their personal finances and improve financial decision-making. The objective of the program is to ensure the long-term financial stability of players throughout the league. The program offers players resources and a realistic perspective on the current economic environment. The non-credit seminars teach players about cash management, insurance, tax planning, estate planning, investments, retirement planning and other related topics.


Financial Education

Money Management International (MMI): Is the largest nonprofit, full-service credit counseling agency in the United States. MMI successfully achieves its mission to improve lives through financial education by offering a wide array of money management programs and tools, providing high-quality counseling services, and being involved in local community activities. Individuals are able to contact MMI 24 hours a day (1-866-756-0182), seven days a week for one-on-one help with their personal financial matters. Visit for more information about all of the services MMI provides.

  • Your Financial Game Plan (Managing Income and Expenses): Learn how to successfully create and follow a budget.
  • Your Fantasy Financial Team (Building Wealth): Learn how to grow your money while considering risk, diversification, and asset allocation.
  • Credit Reports and Credit Scores: Learn how to understand a credit report and the importance of maintaining good credit.
  • Using Credit Wisely: Learn the advantages and disadvantages of using credit.
  • Keeping Debt Under Control: Learn strategies to help get current debt under control and minimize future debt.
  • Building Savings: Learn how to create a successful savings program to help achieve short- and long-term financial goals.

This beneficial new partnership will give your players an opportunity to receive the guidance and education they need to make responsible financial decisions throughout their NFL career and well into retirement.

FINRA: NFL Player Engagement recently partnered with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation to help players spot and avoid investment fraud and make informed financial decisions. Visit, where you will find an array of resources including:

FINRA staff is also available to speak with anyone who suspects a problem with a financial professional, or simply wishes to ask additional questions about investing or investment products.  The NFL’s primary contact at FINRA is Peter Chandler, Associate Director of Investor Education.  You can reach him directly at 202.728.8827.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. The FINRA Foundation is the largest foundation in the United States dedicated to investor education. Its mission is to provide investors with high-quality, easily accessible information and tools to better understand the markets and the basic principles of saving and investing.

Peter S. Chandler
Associate Director
FINRA Office of Investor Education
(202) 728-8827

Investment Education Challenge: The Investment Education Challenge is a joint effort with Omniology, LLC, to teach players about basic investing principals for long-term financial stability. Using their unique Portfolios Investment Simulation Game, players work in pairs to manage a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and money market funds over a simulated 10-year investment period. Teams discuss strategy, and buying and selling investments. Through the course of the game, players learn about different types of investments and how to control the amount of risk and potential reward in their portfolio by setting their asset allocation. Group discussions highlight the importance of diversification, matching strategy to goals, the need to rebalance, benefits of mutual funds, and more. Players learn how investment returns are calculated, helping them to interpret returns on their real portfolios and increasing their confidence in making basic investment decisions.

Credit Management: The NFL Financial Education Program, in partnership with credit bureaus Equifax and TransUnion, provides credit education to NFL teams. By demonstrating the importance of credit history and how to read a credit report, players learn the role that credit plays in lending decisions for homes, cars, credit cards and a variety of other services. The importance of credit in the present and future is also addressed, as well as instructions to clear negative items from reports.

NFL Business Management & Entrepreneurial Program: The NFL Business Management & Entrepreneurial Program is a joint effort between the NFL, the NFLPA and world-renowned schools of business. The custom programs seek to improve players’ business acumen to enable them to better evaluate business opportunities. The curriculum consists of workshops, business discussions and lectures, which build practical knowledge for players interested in owning, operating or developing their own businesses.

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